Wellcome To




Esra Saif


My Experience



Back-End Developer

07/2023 - 08/2023

Hello! 👋 I am Esra Saif

Rakaya Managment Consulting Company

Leader Media Team

Google Club for Student Developers at UQU

12/2023 - 03/2024

Medisoft (company that provides AI based solutions in the healthcare technology sector)

A fresh graduate of Computer Science and AI from Umm Al-Qura University with First Class Honors.

About me

Web Solutions Development Intern on AWS

Tuwaiq Academy & AWS



Achievements / Volunteers

These are successes that I am proud of, and I am looking forward to further growth and advancement.

Participation in GAIA Hackathon

Participate as a UI/UX designer to develop "MEDISCRIPT" an AI-based medical transcription project which won among the 20 best projects out of more than 125 project

6 place in the spirit of volunteering competition

Achieving 6 place in the competition belonging to the project to glorify the sacred homeland. develop a website that provides technical information to children.

Participation in manufacturing a robot🤖
Presenting AI essentials course

Prepare and resent the basics of math in artificial intelligence within three days at computer Club, UQU

Leader Media Committee

Google Club for Student Developers, UQU

"Eilm initiative" at the computer club to explain and help by providing useful resources for more than 100 students in the Computer architecture course and data structure course.

Explanation of specialization course

After three months as co-leader, I was promoted to leader of the media committee at the Google Club for Student Developers.

Computer club, Umm Al-Qura University

Computer club, Umm Al-Qura University

Smart Methods company


Summer training on tasks include 4D design and web development

Check out my journey in learning


Check out my publications in journals and conference

My publications

String Matching Algorithm-Based Filtering for Detecting SQL Injection Using Parallel Programming Paper

The scientific paper has been accepted by the Program Committee of the Section of (ICoSTEC 2024)


”There is no doubt in my mind that Esra will be able to pursue her endeavor successfully. Her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your organization. ”

- Dr. Afnan Al-Dhahri

An assistant professor of Software Engineering

Umm Al-Qura University